Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:101106 Library:100505 in /home/qrccraorgau/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1603 Working Bee 23/3/14 – QRCCRA
Ash Seward
1/8th Scale Pan Am
1/8th Scale GT
Electric 190mm Tourers
200mm Nitro Tourer
F1 Electric Cars
1/5th Scale Gas Powered
Working Bee 23/3/14
Josh Hareb
Johnny H ‘Rolling on’
Shaun Caulfield
Chris Kelly
Martin Judd and Eddie
Paul Roset
Adrian Wyatt
‘The List’
Paully D
Jackie ‘On The Tongs’
Mason and Connor ‘Cleaning up Scruiteneering’
Jeffers ‘Looking as happy as a pig in …’
The Troops Feeding
Hey Amigo
‘Down with the Old’
‘Up with th New’
‘Flying Proud’
‘Final Touches on New Results Board’
Jeff and Jasper ‘Joy ride’
‘Whats that yellow thing in the corner of my vision’